Fruit, Women’s Health Specialist, KMD Nutrition

Transform Your Health,

One Bite At A Time

Katrina Darling Friedman MS RDN, Women’s Health Specialist, KMD Nutrition

With Virtual Dietitian, Functional Nutritionist & Women’s Health Specialist

Katrina Darling Friedman, MS, RDN

Food should be the least stressful part of your day.

& If you disagree - I’m ready to help you change how you view food.

I’m on a mission to empower you with a better understanding of your own nutrition needs to help you heal your gut and hormones, reconnect with your body, optimize your fertility, and heal your relationship with food

Can I tell you something?

Let me show you how.

Hi, I’m Kat!

Registered Dietitian & Functional Nutritionist, Women’s Health Specialist, KMD Nutrition


I’m a Registered Dietitian & Functional Nutritionist working with clients virtually all over the US. I specialize in Women's Health, including hormones, gut health, & metabolism. Whether you're struggling with gut issues like IBS & bloating, hormone imbalances, acne, weight gain, thyroid issues, brain fog, fatigue, or simply looking to optimize your health — I’ve helped hundreds of women before and I can help you, too.

Through evidence-based nutrition, collaboration, and individualized functional testing, I can help you find real solutions to your struggles, break free from the endless cycle of dieting, and embrace a more sustainable, enjoyable approach to nutrition.

The Post Pill Playbook, Women’s Health Specialist, KMD Nutrition


The Post Pill Playbook

Your ultimate guide to optimizing your fertility and overall health. Whether you are currently on birth control, thinking about getting off it, or recently stopped... this ebook is for you. Learn the exact framework I use with my clients.

And it’s FREE! Just fill out the form below.

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