1:1 Nutrition Coaching

Healthy Food Honey and Flowers, Women’s Health Specialist, KMD Nutrition

A high-support coaching package, completely customized to fit your lifestyle.

Unlock Your Body's Potential, One Mineral at a Time.

Hi there, High-Performing Millennial Queen...

You're a driven, ambitious high-performing millennial woman who thrives on challenge and achievement. You're passionate about living life to the fullest and making the most out of every opportunity. Whether it's excelling in your career, nurturing relationships, growing your family, or pursuing your personal goals, you tackle each day with determination and grace.

You love exploring new ways to nourish your body and mind, and you understand the importance of holistic health in achieving your full potential. From trying out new recipes to discovering innovative wellness practices, you're always seeking ways to optimize your well-being.

Your big goals extend beyond just physical health – you envision a life where you feel truly balanced, fulfilled, and empowered. Whether it's achieving hormonal balance, cultivating a positive relationship with food, or preparing for the next chapter of starting a family, you're committed to creating a future where you thrive.

Your happiness lies in finding harmony between your body, mind, and soul. You're ready to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace a journey of self-discovery and growth.

  • You feel constantly stressed and anxious about making the right food choices, at home or in social settings, leading to feelings of frustration and confusion, and social isolation.

  • Despite your best efforts, you struggle to maintain a healthy relationship with food, often succumbing to guilt and shame after indulging in "forbidden" foods.

  • Your body's hunger and fullness cues feel foreign and confusing, leaving you disconnected and out of touch with your own needs.

  • You suffer from issues related to your gut, thyroid, and hormones such as painful periods, skin issues like acne or eczema, abdominal cramping, mood swings, recurrent UTIs, anxiety, bloating, indigestion, and fatigue

  • Years of chronic dieting and restrictive eating patterns have left you feeling physically and mentally exhausted, with no clear path forward to break free from the cycle.

  • You feel like you’re doing all the right things to support your health but you still feel off…

But, lately (or maybe longer…)

Healthy Food, Women’s Health Specialist, KMD Nutrition

it feels like you're on an endless hamster wheel of exhaustion, frustration, and confusion and no healthy food, habit, or exercise seems to change how you’re feeling.


And if something doesn't change? You fear you'll remain trapped in this cycle, and miss out on the vibrant, fulfilling life you deserve.

If you’re being honest with yourself…

What If…

  • What if...you slept like a rock every night, and woke up feeling excited to tackle the day and nourish your body with foods that make you feel your best...

  • What if...you had the energy to pursue your passions, whether it's hitting the gym, exploring the outdoors, excelling in your career, raising a family, or simply enjoying quality time with loved ones, without worrying about your anxiety, symptoms, and overall health…

  • What if...you could let go of the stress and anxiety in social situations, feeling present and engaged because your mind isn't preoccupied with food...

  • What if...you effortlessly maintained regular, symptom-free periods, experiencing improved circulation and noticing that your fingers and toes aren't as cold as frequently...

  • What if...you established a balanced eating schedule, eating every 3-4 hours throughout the day to stay ahead of hunger and avoid blood sugar crashes, and waking up hungry to nourish your body within 1-2 hours upon waking...

  • What if...you focused on adding nutrient-rich foods to your plate, rather than restricting yourself, feeling excited to enjoy all your favorite foods in moderation...

  • What if...you could trust and honor your hunger and fullness cues, feeling satisfied and nourished with every meal, and approach food with a sense of joy and gratitude...

  • What if...you could feel confident and glowy in makeup-free skin…

  • What if...you could eat meals without feeling bloated and uncomfortable, or having to unbutton your pants?

    …without having to go on a restrictive diet, take a million supplements, or end your social life forever?


  • Health is confusing AF. Every day there is a new 'perfect' diet that everyone is doing and you have no idea how to eat (I mean who are you supposed to trust?)

  • You're already doing ALL.THE.THINGS; eating healthy, suffering through meditation, and self-caring until the cows come home

  • Many health recommendations are based on research conducted predominantly on men, overlooking the unique needs and challenges that women face in maintaining optimal health.

  • Conventional healthcare approaches often fail to address the root causes of gut and hormone issues, leaving you feeling dismissed and frustrated by simplistic explanations like "You're fine" or "It's just stress."

It's not uncommon for many women in your shoes to reach a point of frustration and consider giving up, feeling defeated by the constant struggle to see results despite their efforts.

It's understandable to feel disheartened and tempted to accept fatigue or other health challenges as a normal part of life, especially when you've been working tirelessly to improve your well-being with little success.

You've been putting in the work, trying different approaches, and seeking answers, but if you're feeling ready to give up, it's okay. It's a natural response to the frustration and uncertainty that comes with navigating the complexities of health and wellness.

I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be like this. There is another way.

Katrina Dietitian, Women’s Health Specialist, KMD Nutrition

Hi, I’m Kat.

I was prescribed birth control at age 15, just a year after I had gotten my first period. I wasn’t in pain, my cycles were regular, and I didn’t have bloating, back pain, cravings, or acne. So why was I put on the pill? Because one time I got a headache during my cycle. That’s all it took for the various forms of the magic “cure-all” pill to become part of my daily routine for the next 15 years.

The year I was prescribed birth control, things got weird. I started experiencing unexplained reoccurring UTIs (at least 5 per year) for which I was prescribed antibiotics each time. In the following years, I developed tons of bloating, indigestion, anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia. I was freezing ALL THE TIME and had no idea why.

A few years later, my periods got HEAVY. I was in excruciating, debilitating pain that sometimes actually made me pass out. I developed acne, I was so irritable and my mental health issues continued to get worse. I knew I would never get answers from the conventional healthcare system, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.

And then one day, I stumbled upon an article discussing minerals through Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and how it could help with fatigue, gut health, hormones, and metabolism.

I ended up testing my minerals and metals and discovered I was mineral deficient. I dove head first into the world of minerals learning everything I could to help myself. Months later, I was finally free of pain and bloat, had all-day energy and clear skin, I was sleeping soundly, and I finally felt normal again.

My personal struggles ignited my passion for helping people uncover and heal from their hormone and gut health issues. I love being able to share what I've learned to help empower others and get them on their way to feeling their best again!

Maybe my story sounds a lot like yours! If it does, I’m here to help!

Katrina Dietitian, Women’s Health Specialist, KMD Nutrition

WHY IS The Hormone Balance Bootcamp DIFFERENT?

There are few programs out there that are specifically formulated to help with gut and hormonal abnormalities since most practitioners are confused by what causes them, apply band-aid approaches like birth control and other medications designed to mask your symptoms. The ones that do exist fail to seek the deeper root causes.

The Hormone Balance Bootcamp incorporates lab testing plus walks you through the straightforward 6-Step Happy Hormone Method that combines whole-food nutrition with customized lab testing so we can determine the real cause of your symptoms without wasting your money on supplements or time-consuming practices that don’t work.

Registered Dietitian, Women’s Health Specialist, KMD Nutrition

Why I’m Different…

  • I've been in your shoes! I've suffered from chronic gut and hormonal issues and recovered

  • I am a Registered Dietitian & Functional Nutritionist with two degrees in Clinical Human Nutrition

  • I've spent years studying the root causes of gut and hormonal imbalances

  • I'm trained in Functional Lab Testing so I will be able to uncover your root cause - once and for all!

  • I'm 100% results-driven - I am deeply committed to your transformation

  • I'll teach you EVERYTHING you need to know and help you implement it in an action-oriented and sustainable way

  • I care deeply for you, and your struggle, and seeing you succeed


When you enroll in The Hormone Balance Bootcamp, we'll start off with targeted testing to uncover what's driving your symptoms and imbalances. I'll develop a personalized nutrition and lifestyle modification plan specifically designed for you. From there, I'll move you through the 5-Step Happy Hormone Method…

STEP 1: HTMA Results Review

The first thing we do is your HTMA test and results review. This allows us to identify where you are falling short - the gaps in your nutrition and wellness and where we can start to make micro tweaks that make a huge difference when done consistently over time.

STEP 2: The Mineral Mastery Meal Plan

In Step 2, we break down the Mineral Mastery Meal Plan. This diet helps you replenish your minerals in a healthy and delicious way so you can start seeing improvement in your digestion, hormones, and stress response. But first, you’ll unlearn everything that diet culture taught you about eating, and replace it with the foundations of a healthy diet to support hormone health. I’ll keep it simple for you by providing you with ongoing customized meal plans, shopping lists, and recipes!

STEP 3: Seal & Heal the Gut

You don’t need to have digestive symptoms to have an unhealthy gut. Low energy, hormonal imbalances, skin issues, mental health issues, and a sluggish gut go hand in hand. In step 2, I’ll show you simple ways to increase your digestive fire so your healthy diet starts working for you and you can start to see increases in your daily energy.

STEP 4: Blood Sugar Balance

Balancing your blood sugar is so important, regardless of whether or not you think you have clinically diagnosed blood sugar regulation issues like type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, insulin resistance, etc. Blood sugar irregularities are a stressor on the body which can impact your mineral status and thus your gut and hormone health. Learn how blood sugar irregularities are connected with your symptoms, and practical tips you can implement daily to improve this.

STEP 5: Sleep, Stress & Self-Care

In step 5, I’ll help you hack your sleep and stress levels so you can feel well-rested in the morning and achieve sustainable energy levels throughout the day. We’ll talk about circadian rhythm and natural light exposure, screen time, castor oil, exercise, proactive and reactive stress management techniques, boundary setting, and much more!

The Nitty Gritty…

8 Private Coaching Calls (75-minute initial, 45-minute follow-ups)

We’ll get together via Zoom every week during your first month, and every 2-weeks during your second month and discuss your progress and challenges. I’ll be there to help you troubleshoot problems, keep you consistent, and hold you accountable. My goal is to support you at the deepest level and keep you on track so you can ditch your symptoms and get back to your life ASAP.

Unlimited Email/Messenger Support (90-days access)

Got a question in between calls? Need support? I’ll be there to answer your emails and messages Monday through Friday. Within 1-business day, I’ll respond to support you in whatever way I can. You’ll never have to feel alone again.

Weekly Accountability Check-ins (90-days access)

Let’s be honest, it’s easy to fall off the wagon when you’re the only one keeping yourself accountable. Every week, I’ll check in with you to make sure that you’re staying on track and executing the Happy Hormone Method. And if you do fall off track? I’ll be there to help you come up with a realistic plan to get you back on track. 


  • Cycling females between the ages of 20-40

  • Women who are looking for a holistic solution to solving their hormone and gut imbalances

  • Women who want to improve their fertility

  • Women who are looking for a long-term, root-cause approach

  • Women who are driven and committed to making sustainable changes to their health

  • Women who are on, off, or transitioning off birth control


  • Women who are looking for a quick fix (healing imbalances to your minerals, hormones, and gut is a process and can take time)

  • You have an active eating disorder

  • Women who are looking for drugs or prescriptions to fix their problems (I’m not a licensed MD so I can’t prescribe drugs)

  • Women who make excuses and aren’t driven/determined to make change

  • Women who aren’t willing to critically reflect on their habits

If you want to experience less painless periods, smooth digestion, clear skin, and increased fertility by getting to the root cause of your symptoms… then the Hormone Balance Bootcamp is the perfect place for you to start!


Let’s break down what you get when you join The Hormone Balance Bootcamp

  • The 5-Step Happy Hormone Method

  • 1 Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test + Results Review

  • Customized nutrition & lifestyle protocol to get you started on replenishing minerals

  • Ongoing Customized Meal Planning + Recipe Bundles (90-day access)

  • 8 Private 1-1 Coaching Calls (90-day access)

  • Resource Bank with Handouts, Videos, and Activities (90-day access)

  • Unlimited Email Support (90-days access)

  • Weekly Accountability Check-ins (90-days access)

    Are you ready to leave the pain, discomfort, confusion, and frustration behind and start experiencing hormone and gut balance? Let’s ditch one-size-fits-all bandaid solutions and for all and do this together!